World Luxury: Top 10 Most Expensive Hotels Rooms In The World with pictures

10. The city of Dubai has notable as a major global city in the last decade, the capital which is that Emirate of Dubai, the city is known for it up scale shoppings and tallest buildings.

The Hotel Basshararal is the 4th tallest hotel in the world. It is accessible by private elevator, it is 84000sq, ft with massive pillars are covered with 22 carats gold. It has a big dinning area, library, quality bath rooms and gold plated furnitures. For a night it will cost you $24,000 per night.

9. Tokyo is one of the world most charming city, it is known for it unique mode and traditional styles, 5 star hotel it has modern luxury 33000sq, ft and 53 storey. It give a spectacular rooms, luxurious barrooms, 2 bathroom and studying room. One night at the hotel is $25,000.

8. Paris, their are over 9000 restaurants in the city, it has also been a center of high fashion and industries till date. Photawa Hotel, the royal suit which has 4 bed rooms two bathrooms and 4 kitchen, an office per night it will cost you $26,000.

7. Rome is the 14 most visited city in Europe, Wames Hotel, the suit is features unbelievable 5 levels, 6100sq, ft, with q total number of rooms of 7 . Per night it will cost you $30, 000.

6America, Las Vegas is build as entertainment capital of the world, is one of the hardest your destination in the planet Earth. Falais Hotel is 9000sq, ft, the Royal suit has a private gym, massage room, private hidden pool and per night it will cost you $35,000.

5. France is one of the only two Countries that appears twice on this list, is the best film festival center in the world. It is a play ground for the rich and famous people, Hotel Martinez was opened 1929 and quickly become the most respected luxury hotel in France. 35000sq, ft of luxury, with an astonishing view $37, 500 per night.

4. The Rash Place located at India, it was converted into an astonishing hotel the royal suit, each room has a private mini art work room, with priceless antic furniture.

It is the most expensive hotel suit in the hole of Asia, it has an unbelievable 16000sq, ft of space, most part of the building is decorated with gold. Every detail of the suit hotel spring luxury. Per day, will cost the sum of $45, 000.

3New York City is simply the financial and cultural capital of the world. The global leader in technology today it was opened in 1993, is 5star hotel, even the least of it guest will send you home, which is $12, 000 per night.

Is the most expensive in United States of America, 43000sq, ft is designed with the collaboration of Peter an Fin architect Lucian, it has TV that can receive literally any channels in the world. Per night goes for the sum of $50,000.



2. If there is only one major city that can overwhelmed his visitors with connection to history is the Greece, it has been inhabitants in many years ago.

Ground Maghancy 5star hotel with only 18 suit is the second most expensive suit in the world. The Royal Villa has private massage area, lovely packing space, pool and 7000 suit private garden. Per night cost $50,000.

1. Finally the Royal Phental suit is recently recognized at the world largest band adorable suit, most international celebrities like, Michael Jackson, Bill Clinton and Bill Gates visited the place. It has multiple master bedroom, living room, dining room, which can sit 26 people it has more than enough rooms for it guest. A private media center, bullet proof windows, it goes for about $80,000 per night

Nice time you have I guess? you could share with friends and family for them to know the world is more beautiful than they thought.
