Top 10 Most Dangerous Weapons Ever Created
May 6, 2020 4:57 PM

10. RPG – Rocket Propelled Grenade

With the RPG you can fire anti-tank rockets from the shoulder, it was developed into feared anti-tank weapon based on the Nazi Germany's panzerfaust.

It was wisely used against the Americans in the Vietnam by the Vietnam cong and the peoples army. RPG's remain the menace of armored vehicles and tanks since their inception.

9. DSR-50 The .50 cal Sniper Rifle

DSR-50 is both action snipper riffle chambered to fire the massive. 50 cal BMG round it. It a specialized sniper rifle for police sharp shooters, it has an integrated hydraulic recoil damping system in the buttstock and a integral muzzle brake which reduce the perceived muzze blast

8. Flamethrower

Flame thrower is classed as an incendiary device that is specifically designed to project fire in a stream that is long and controllable

The flame thrower were used first by ancient Greeks as far as the 1st century A. D.

7. Schwerer Gustav

Schaefer Gustau was the name given to German 80cm railway gun. A huge piece of artillery designed to be short from railways. It was developed in the late 1930's by Krupp of Essen.

6. Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier

Us Nimitz class at over 1000 feet, the Nimitz class aircraft carrier are the worlds biggest warships. Costing $4.5billion each, they are also the most expensive. It can hold up to 90 aircraft and are fitted with anti air craft guns and missiles. There are expected to serve for 50 years.

5. Chimera Virus

In ancient Mythology a chimera is an animal formed from parts of different animals, like a hippogriff or a griffin, which aptly describes this virus.

A Chimera Virus is made by combining the DNA of two or more other viruses.

In the 1980’s the Soviets were experimenting with them, using the genetic material from other viruses and injecting them into a smallpox (or another) virus thus producing a chimera. This process ensures the new virus is able to retain the smallpox’s virulence and appearance under a microscope while at the same time it is able to spread an entirely different infection.

4. Russia’s Aviation Thermobaric Bomb of Increased Power

In 2007 the Russians successfully tested and released their"aviation thermobarlic bomb of increased power" quickly nicknamed the "father of all bombs" (FOAN).

this made the Russian device to be the most powerful conventional non-nuclear weapon in the world.


The intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is a ballistic missile that is guided to the target. It can travel at least 3,400miles and was built for transporting nuclear weapons.

ICMB's have the capability of being launched from airplanes, submarines, missile silos, and vehicle.


The MIRN, which is a multiple independently targetable re- entry vehicle, is a payload for ballistic missiles that contains multiple warheads, each war head has the capability of being aimed to hit one of many targets

1. Tsar Bomba

Every aspect of the phrase, ‘weapons of mass destruction,’ applies to the Tsar Bomba. The weapon was the Soviet Union’s rebuttal to the United States nuclear program. A massive device, designed to decimate everything, that’s what the bomb was. Only one was ever detonated, and that was enough.

Tsar Bomba remains the most powerful device ever detonated by mankind. To compare, the most powerful device the United States ever created was the B41. It was also the only three-stage nuclear device the U.S. created. The B41 had a maximum yield of 25 megatons TNT, while the Tsar Bomba had a maximum yield of 100 megatons of TNT.

Of course, the most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated had a massive mushroom cloud. The mushroom cloud is estimated to have gone as high as 40 miles in the sky, which is about seven times as tall as Mount Everest. At this height, the cloud went through the stratosphere as well as the mesosphere.

The bomb also unleashed a massive fireball to accompany the mushroom cloud. Once detonated, the fireball nearly reached the height at which the bomb was dropped and was visible more than 600 miles away from the site.

The bomb was essentially built to flex the Soviet Union’s military strength. Because of this, the bomb was so huge that it was basically too huge. What does this mean? It means that it wasn’t practical for wartime use. For one, moving the bomb around was simply too complicated. It didn’t even really fit on the jet that dropped it from the sky; that plane had to be heavily modified for the bomb. Second, the crew on the plane only had a 50% chance at survival. All of this comes even after the bomb was scaled down from its original 100 megaton size.
