Top 7 of the Most Brutal Military Drills in the World


May 6, 2020 4:33 PM

We all know that military forces around the world require their military forces to go through strenuous physical training, what some of you might not know is how brutal some of these trainings might get. Some military training pushes the limits of what trainers can do physically and mentally. As you'll see, some of these training comes dangerously close to killing those who undertake them.

1. Taiwanese Marines

You've probably endured the pain and discomfort of walking across stones and gravel in your bare feet, imagine crawling across that surface with your bare skin. Not too bad? Ok, make the rock fist-sized and throw in some sharp coral just for good measure, now crawl across that for 50 meters without using your arms and you have one of the most brutal drills undertaken by the Taiwanese Marines.

2. North Korean Storm Corps

Not a lot is known by the secretive North Korean state, that said, every now and then, defectors provide a glimpse into what goes on in the country. Reportedly, a specially selected group of soldiers make up North Korea's elite storm corps.

Part of their training sees soldiers repeatedly punch trees and jagged tin cans until their hands are bleeding and oozing puss, before finishing, they move on to punching a pile of salt, which must feel, you know, real good on their bleeding hands.

This all supposedly gives the men a physical and psychological edge in combat.

3. Philippines Special Operations Group

Many of us know how hard it is to simple tasks when we are drunk, imagine enduring a range of military drills while being drunk. Troops of the Philippines' Special Operations Group do just that.

They get absolutely wasted then, undergo a number of military drills to weed out the trainees who don't have the right personality. Now, before you start thinking 'That's fantastic ', just think about how brutal an 18 mile swim, shooting practice, and a 6 mile jog will be while suffering from dizziness.

4. South Korean Special Forces

Despite being over for more than 20 years, you could say that the South Korean army gives the term 'Cold War' a whole new meaning. That's because they undertake some rather brutal training in the snow.

Now before you picture a bunch of troops having a snow ball fight-- stop. These troops strip down to their pants and undertake a variety of exercises in subzero temperatures. Strength and combat training can be tough enough but now, throw in some snow and temperatures as low as -30 degrees Celsius and things go from hard to brutal pretty quick.

5. People's Liberation Army of China

Want to build trust and teamwork among your co-workers? Then the PLA has a drill for you, groups of several soldiers stand in a circle around a pit, someone lights the fuse and the group proceeds to pass the explosive around, after counting down, the last soldier to get the explosive throws it in the pit and everybody dives away before it explodes. Bye bye fingers.

6. US Marine Snipers

Being a sniper requires a steady hand, great reflexes and a lot of patience, apparently, it also requires a deadened sense of smell. That's because US Marine snipers must prepare themselves and their camouflaged suits known as Ghillie suits, by soaking in a giant pond of stagnant water and rotten vegetation repeatedly, once you are nice and wet, you then get to roll around in the mud over and over again.

All of these is necessary to season the ghillie suit and also act as great psychological training for the sniper.

7. US Navy SEALs

SEAL training is notoriously hard and much of it is built around seeing how much strength and endurance recruits actually have. However, one especially brutal training that recruits undergo is drown-proofing in a pool. This involves having your hands and feet bound while you perform various tasks in the water.

The drill teaches breathing control as well as forcing potential SEALs to learn to control fear and panic which can set in during such situations. Instructors also attack trainees in the water to add that extra level of intensity and fear.
