Meet the 34-Year-Old Owner of the Most Expensive House in the World


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Moving through the oil rich zones of the Middle East, from Kuwait to the United Arab Emirates, passing through Qatar and the Islamic Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; royalty is more than just governance and power. It is a show of affluence and extravagance, within and outside the region, amongst the different royal households holding power in the region. 

According to a 2019 list of richest royals in the Middle East by CEOWORLD magazine, the Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is listed as the richest of them all with a networth of 18 billion US dollars. 

This is no surprise as his 34 year old son, and the de facto ruler of the oil rich Arab nation is the owner of the world's most expensive house. 

Picture Source: New York Times - Salman in his office

Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman bin Faisal bin Turki bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Saud, born on 31 August, 1985, is the crown prince and the first deputy prime minister of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

He is said to be worth 8.8 billion US dollars, and he is rumored to be in pole position to take over £300 million worth Newcastle United. 

Salman's £230 million House

Picture Source: The Mirror

Prince Salman's £230m house in Louveciennes, near Versailles in France is said to be the most expensive house in the world. 

Known for his extravagant lifestyle, Salman who had previously bought a super-yacht of £452m, is said to have bought the house through some shell companies, reports The Sun. 

Picture source: Givemesport

The house, known as Chateau Louis XIV, was built between 2008-2011 and later redesigned to suit the prince's taste by Emad Khashoggi. 

The house which is technologically designed with amenities to be controlled by an iPhone, covers 50,000 square feet with indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a nightclub and an in-house aquarium. 

With interior decoration of fine art, gold-laced staircases, and marble flooring; the house contains 10 bedroom suites, a library, two ballrooms, private squash court, a cinema room, and a wine cellar - with a capacity of 3,000 bottles. 

Indoor and outdoor swimming pools - Mirror

Indeed it is worth the price. 

Salman's Governance Style

Prince Salman has been seen in some quarters as a modernist based on the reforms he has brought to the Saudi Arabia. 

Under his charge, the kingdom has lifted the ban placed on female drivers, reduced the power of religious police, allowed female spectators in a sporting game, and lots more. 

He has however, been critized for the gruesome murder of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi journalist and a critic of his. 

He also has been accused of the killings of Yemenis in the ongoing coalition war against Yemen rebel group, Houthis. 
