19 Crazy Things That Could Only Happen in China

Sign in"We won't do that!" This is what many tourists think when they visit China. The country's biggest attraction is its population - with their traditions, rules and sometimes funny customs. This article tells you about interesting events and even the shocking things that sometimes happen in this country.

I collected a strange and wonderful Chinese anomaly for you and tried to explain it.

1. In China you can take part in competitions where people have to eat hot pepper while immersed in a group. We hope the fight deserves the prize.

2. Have we ever mentioned that the population of China is large? This is a photo of a Chinese resort.

3. Carrying fish in the clavicles is a common tendency for girls in China to show how slim they are.

4. Barbers use their imagination to the limit.

5. If you want to relax, you don't have to go to the spa. You can wind oral masseuse.

6. The outside team exercises help the Chinese people stay in good shape.

7. China is the king of forgeries and never amazes us with its creativity.

8. If you get a manicure there, every finger should shine.

9. After a week of hard work, many Chinese wore pajamas and wore them until Monday. It's called "weekend" mode and includes going out, shopping and eating in restaurants.

10. The Chinese always carry thermos with hot water. Drinking hot water helps many illnesses. What if I get sick? Drink water!

11. Very few people care about comfort in China. You can buy a ticket without a seat, even in the long distance train.

12. Their street food is very strange. Do you want a scorpion on a tally?

13. The beans are highly regarded in Chinese culture. Ice cream made with peas is almost a national delicacy.

14. This is the response of the Chinese people to blue-eyed blondes.

15. Even a dark-haired European can feel like a star here.

16- Road traffic in China is a completely new universe with its own rules that are difficult for foreigners to understand.

17. Many Chinese residents are forced to wear medical masks because of the excess air. To make it look beautiful, they transformed these masks into a truly fashionable accessory.

18. The presence of 'vampire' teeth is an unusual trend that many Asians love. If nature doesn't offer you sharp teeth, you can easily fix it in the dentist's office.

Chinese girls think these teeth help them look like cats.

19. They feel very tired in their daily lives, so they can easily sleep at any moment and anywhere.

Visiting China at any time will give you a long-lasting feeling of visiting another planet. Do you want to visit this country and try everything on your own? Tell us about it in the comments!

From Opera News Hub

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