The Most Expensive Hotels In The World

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May 4, 2020 12:53 PM

A hotel is an establishment formed for the sole basis of providing accommodation on a short-term basis. Essentials services should also be provided which may include modest-mattress, a closet, a refrigerator and other needs like a flat screen television, bathrooms all depending on the price and specifications of the hotel.

The Lover’s Deep is a hotel built to not just give you a place to rest for the day but a great experience. The luxury 5-star accommodation laying just beneath the waves. Essentially a submarine yes you heard right. The submarine hotel brings dreams and adventures to life. ultimately made for couples as they can capitalize and take full advantage of the isolated environment to build a stronger romantic partnership. A night on the Lover’s Deep submarine would cost about $115,000(54.6million naira) for a single person and $292,000(117million naira) from the pockets of the couple for a night.

The absolutely ravishing and breathtaking Lover’s Deep, dives deep into the beautiful Caribbean to the islands of Barbados,St. Lucia others. Each couple is assigned a personal butler to take care of every need of the guest, equipped with the most amazing chef’s from all over the world to ignite your taste buds and then captain of the vessel. Their sleeping quarters are far away and at the other end of the vessel, giving guests more privacy.

The ridiculous cost of this hotel could buy you a complete house, But a full 24-hour underwater view of the entire marine world while enjoying maximum comfort and sighting mahogany finishes, is a one of a kind experience that makes every single penny worth it

Best believe they have passengers on board every single night as the luxurious 5 star hotel attracts the worlds richest individual from all over the world to get the experience of a lifetime.

See more pictures of the hotel below;

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