10 Mysterious Trees Around The World

May 10, 2020 9:41 AM

Trees are one of the most beautiful beings in our everyday surroundings we can observe, feel and see. Almost in every form, a tree can grow as you plant it in a perfect place and the weather overtakes it.

Below is a collection of amazing trees around the world.

1. Pirangi Cashew Tree, Brazil

Pirangi Cashew Tree Brazil

This is one of the hugest cashew trees you can find in the world. It spreads to an area of about 2 acres and it is nearly 177 years old. You can find this pirangi cashew tree near Natal, Brazil. And also, it is believed to have been planted by some fishermen in 1888. They surely had no idea then that the tree would grow so huge and would cover almost the entire space, with the branches touching the ground. This cashew tree yields about 8000 fruits a year.

2. Dragon Tree, Canary Islands

The Dragon trees have an umbrella-like shape and this is what makes them famous. This tree is a living symbol of the Canary Island and the early residents of this island considered this umbrella tree to be divine and native to Madeira and Cape Verde. However, they are also found in some parts of Mexico. The age of this tree is about 650-1000 years old.

3. Silk Cotton Tree, Cambodia

Silk Cotton Trees Cambodia

Located in the Seam Ream Province, Cambodia, these silk-cotton trees have a few amazing features. The place where these trees are found growing have been untouched since hundreds of years and now it is named the Angokar Archeological Park. The trunks of this tree go upwards towards the sky and create a canopy and their countless roots stay coiled on the land. It’s one of the most amazing as well as strangest trees in the world.

4. El Arbol de la Sabina, Spain

El Arbol de la Sabina unusual and strange trees

You must have seen that every tree grows upright, and some can be slightly bent. However, the El Arbol se la Sabina is completely different and weird. This tree is found growing in the direction of the wind and hence it is known to change its shape many a time during the year. It’s amazing! Wonderful as well as unusual tree.

5. Frankincense Tree

13 Strange Trees

Frankincense is a kind of bush tree and the world’s oldest perfume in the Red Sea. It is the most famous. The Carterii tree of Boswellia is the most renowned frankincense and perfumery tree.

6. The Chapel Tree, France

chapel tree france

The Chapel Tree, or Chêne chapelle, is an ancient oak tree in France. It's estimated to be between 800-1200 years old, which means it was alive during Louis IX reign! It stands about 49 feet high and has a circumference of approximately 52 feet. When it was almost 500 years old, it was struck by lightning.

The fire created by the lightning slowly burned through the trunk of the tree, hollowing it out. The village priest, Father Du Cerceau, believed that the lightning strike and subsequent hollowing of the trunk was a holy event. So, the villagers built a chapel inside of the tree in honor of the Virgin Mary. Another chapel was built higher up in the tree many years later. Mass is still held in the tree chapel two times a year.

7. Baobab tree, Africa

The Baobab tree is one of the strangest looking trees on this list. It has a very tall, huge trunk that holds an umbrella canopy. It is one of the few plants that can survive living on the African savannah. During the rainy season, the trunk becomes a reservoir of water. Then, during the driest part of the year, the tree produces a nutrient dense fruit. For this reason it is known as "The Tree of Life."

8. El Árbol del Tule, Oaxaca, Mexico

El Árbol del Tule Oaxaca Mexico

El Árbol del Tule or The Tule Tree, is a Montezuma Cypress tree found in Oaxaca, Mexico. While the tree is a relatively short 111 feet tall, the trunk is a stout 32 feet in diameter.

It was once believed that the trunk was a combination of many different trees that fused together as it grew. Recent DNA testing has proven that it is, in fact, just one tree. The tree is also very, very old. It is believed to be 1500 years old and is called the widest tree in the world.

9. The Chandelier Tree, California

chandelier tree california redwood
The Chandelier Tree in Leggett, CA is a massive redwood tree that stands 315 feet tall and has a trunk that is 6 feet 9 inches wide. In the 1930s, a tunnel was carved through the trunk of the tree by Charlie Underwood.

The tunnel was cut as a gimmick to attract tourism to the area, and it worked! People would flock by the thousands to drive their cars, bikes or just walk through the tree. Several other redwood trees were also carved out for this same reason. Due to the extensive damage that tunneling does to these majestic trees, they are no longer carved up just for the sake of tourism.

10. Teapot Baobab Madagascar

Teapot Baobab takes the form of bottle and also looks like teapot, which is why its name has teapot in it. This tree and the trees similar like this are located in Ifaty, Madagascar. The famed Teapot Baobab is around 1200 years old.
